Friday, January 18, 2008

The "Old wine in an old bottle" quiz

Hey All,

Just to give the "Take Se7en" series a break for this week. I have to confess that this quiz is a "old wine in an old bottle" scenario. You would have seen all of the slogans below in quite a few quizzes in the past. Nevertheless, taking another look at some of the brilliant (and very innovative) ad-slogans.

Identify the brand/product for each of these:
  1. Get N or get out.
  2. Imagination at Work.
  3. Welcome to the World Wide Wow .
  4. Buy it. Sell it. Love it.
  5. The World Puts Its Stock In US .
  6. Refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach .
  7. Schhh! You know who?
  8. The Uncola .
  9. Nothing official about it .
  10. The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand.
  11. Think outside the bun.
  12. Obsessed with perfection since 1897.
  13. The Miracles Of Science .
  14. The official uniform of New York.
  15. Your natural source of youth.
  16. If you want to impress someone, put him on your Black list .
  17. The Way A Sandwich Should Be .
  18. Don't Leave Home Without It.
  19. The world's favourite airline.
  20. Fashion that ticks .

Do post your comments and suggestions.


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